Career Pathways

iLEAD’s career pathways prepare you for the best career opportunities in Kentucky
We use workforce data to ensure our career pathways prepare students with the skills employers want – in growing occupations that pay some of the highest wages in the workforce.
You’ll select a career pathway when you apply to iLEAD in 8th grade, but don’t worry – there’s always flexibility to move to another pathway or to add one!
iLEAD learning is hands-on. You’ll work on projects to apply what you’re learning and see how learning is relevant to your future.
You’ll also have a map to becoming the Most Qualified Applicant in your career pipeline. iLEAD meets with employers to identify exactly what it takes to compete when they’re hiring.
Click on a career pathway to jump to a section
Computer Science
iLEAD is a national leader in computer science education. In its Rural Tech Challenge, the U.S. Department of Education chose iLEAD’s idea to create a virtual computer science career academy as one of the five most innovative ideas in the nation to expand rural students’ access to computer science education.
iLEAD partnered with more than 70 of America’s leading tech employers in the INTERalliance of Greater Cincinnati and created a virtual computer science academy to serve students who don’t attend iLEAD and don’t have access to computer science classes.
The Kentucky General Assembly then passed legislation to scale iLEAD’s innovation statewide. In 2024-2025, iLEAD’s virtual computer science career academy will open to students across the Commonwealth and provide dual college credit career pathways in computer programming, cybersecurity, and data science.
Now in the U.S. Department of Education’s Career Z Challenge, iLEAD and the INTERalliance employers are leading the nation again – designing virtual work based learning opportunities for students in rural communities across Kentucky.
- Learn to code
- Learn programming language essential to compete for jobs (HTML, Python, JAVA, SQL)
- Learn about web development, game design, cybersecurity, and gathering, understanding, and communicating about data.
- Clubs: Technology Student Association (TSA), eSports
- Industry Certifications: Certiport Digital Literacy IC3, Certiport IT Specialist Certifications in JAVA, Python, HTML & CSS, Tableau Desktop Specialist

- Learn about engineering career opportunities
- Solve real-world, challenging problems with engineering concepts
- Dig into engineering design
- Learn how engineers can improve the world with robotics, 3D printing, programming, and prototyping
- Learn how to use engineering technology tools and design software
- Clubs: Technology Student Association (TSA), eSports
- Industry Certification: Autodesk Fusion
If you’re interested in healthcare, you have two pathways to choose from at iLEAD: nursing and biomedical sciences (becoming a doctor, dentist, physical therapist, medical researcher, etc.)
- In nursing, you’ll attend nursing classes at the Carroll County Area Technology Center. You’ll get academic and clinical experience and earn your Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) certification. A CNA qualifies you for many entry-level jobs caring for patients in nursing homes and hospitals. As a junior and senior, you’ll take foundational college courses to complete a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN).
- In Biomed, you’ll take the foundational biology classes needed for pre-med programs (physician, dentist, physical therapist, etc.) at Jefferson Community and Technical College (JCTC).
Georgetown College Pre-Med Partnership
iLEAD students receive priority admission to Georgetown’s Pre-College Academic Experience in Math and Science (PAEMS) summer camp along with a $10,000 scholarship opportunity for those who meet program qualifications.
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With at least a 3.5 GPA, iLEAD students are guaranteed admission to the Georgetown Health Scholars program and a $1,000 annual scholarship if GPA requirements are maintained. The Health Scholars program provides specialized advising, work-based learning, networking, and research opportunities for students interested in medicine, veterinary practice, physical therapy, healthcare administration, and other related fields.
iLEAD students with a 3.5 GPA or higher in science and math classes also are guaranteed an interview for admission into Georgetown’s Science Honors program. This program paves the way for students’ success in medical school with challenging academic and cultural experiences and opportunities to conduct scientific investigation and research at a high level.

Technical Programs
In partnership with Jefferson Community and Technical College and Future 42, iLEAD offers students opportunities to learn technical skills in high demand in the regional economy, including welding, electrical maintenance, and Applied Process Technology.
Future 42 employers, including North American Stainless, Dow, PMC, Nucor, and Kentucky Utilities, provide tours, mentoring, and job shadowing experiences for students, and iLEAD students can go directly to work in local industries with an Associate of Applied Science degree.
STEM Education
Think you might want to be a teacher? iLEAD offers a specialized program for aspiring teachers to learn how to use our innovative, hands-on model for learning in STEM classes – science, math, engineering, and technology. You’ll take foundational classes for teacher preparation programs at Jefferson Community and Technical College and graduate ready to earn a degree in elementary or secondary education.

Important Dates
iLEAD visits district middle schools
iLEAD Academy Open House:
Interested parents and students are invited to attend.
January 30, 2024 4:30-7:30 pm
February 1-15, 2024
Application and Admissions Project available
March 2024
Class Announced
Apply Today to Start Your Journey Towards a Brighter Future
Accepting applications beginning February 1, 2024