iLEAD clubs get students ready for careers, ready for college, ready for life.

Through competitions and projects, students involved in HOSA get training and experiences far beyond the basic technical skills needed for entry into the healthcare field.

TSA members engage in TSA STEM-based competitions – more than 70 are available – that address different interest areas and cover such topics as architecture, communications, engineering, leadership, and technology research. iLEAD students compete at the regional, state, and national level.

Students apply to be members of the National Honor Society and are admitted on the basis of their accomplishments in the Four Pillars of NHS: Scholarship, Service, Leadership & Character.

iLEAD students play Rocket League in competitive matches with students in eSports clubs from across the nation. They learn leadership, teamwork, and communication while enjoying their passion for gaming.

The Student Technology Leadership Project (STLP) empowers student learning and achievement through the use and creation of technology based solutions for school and community needs. Students create projects, products, or services to meet those needs and can compete in the STLP Championship every spring with more than 14,000 Kentucky students.

iMake is iLEAD’s student-led business. Students design and make items to sell using what they learn in their career pathways. Profits support student attendance at club competitions and conferences and dual credit tuition. You can view and purchase items made by our students here.
Important Dates
iLEAD visits district middle schools
iLEAD Academy Open House:
Interested parents and students are invited to attend.
January 30, 2024 4:30-7:30 pm
February 1-15, 2024
Application and Admissions Project available
March 2024
Class Announced
Apply Today to Start Your Journey Towards a Brighter Future
Accepting applications beginning February 1, 2024