Get Ready!

We help students earn an associate’s degree while they’re in high school.

iLead Academy School Districts

 iLEAD is a four-year high school for students in Carroll, Gallatin, Henry, Owen, and Trimble Counties

You’ll graduate from iLEAD ready for work, ready for college, and ready for life

Have voice, choice, and flexibility in your learning

Apply what you learn to what you want to do with your life

Learn in innovative
ways and places

Participate in your district high school’s sports, clubs, and activities

Graduate ready to compete for the best jobs in America

A Record of Success

It’s easy to see why students & their parents choose iLead

Degree Completion
in High School
1 %
Academic &
Career Ready
1 %

Pay your laptop fees, club dues, and field trip fees online

 Donate to help students get ready for work, ready for college, and ready for life

Apply Today to Start Your Journey Towards a Brighter Future

Accepting applications beginning January 31, 2025